Este grupo foi criado no âmbito de Área de Projecto, e temos como objectivo a criação de livretes de álbuns e recriação de capas de livros. Visto sermos alunos de Artes Visuais, achámos que podíamos usar as nossas capacidades e, deste modo, criar capas originais para beneficio da cultura da cidade de Caldas da Rainha.
O nosso trabalho será, em principio, feito com o apoio do Centro da Juventude da nossa cidade e de uma gráfica ainda a decidir.
Criámos este blog para mais facilmente podermos divulgar o nosso trabalho, as bandas e ao mesmo tempo pedir as criticas/opiniões.
Original Album Cover Design
This group was created in a project class and we have as a main purpose the design of CD covers and recriation of book covers. Seeing that we are students of visual arts we thought of using our abilities and, in this way, creating original covers for the benefit of our city (Caldas da Rainha). Our project has the support of our town's Youth Center (Centro da Juventude) and a graphic called Gráfica D. Leonor. We created this acount in order to spread the word about our work, the bands and, at the same time, to get some critics/sugestions.
Original Album Cover Design
This group was created in a project class and we have as a main purpose the design of CD covers and recriation of book covers. Seeing that we are students of visual arts we thought of using our abilities and, in this way, creating original covers for the benefit of our city (Caldas da Rainha). Our project has the support of our town's Youth Center (Centro da Juventude) and a graphic called Gráfica D. Leonor. We created this acount in order to spread the word about our work, the bands and, at the same time, to get some critics/sugestions.
Design Original de Capas de Albúns