Em meados de Abril de 2008 um grupo de amigos (Marco, Bruno, Fernando, Fábio e Filipa) juntaram-se numa Jam onde, ao fim de alguns tempos, os sons revelados levavam a tomar uma postura mais séria; assim nasceram os TARSISH...
Já em princípios de Maio de 2008 eis que a banda sofre a sua primeira alteração, com a entrada de Canas (Teclista), que veio trazer uma nova dinâmica à banda bem como uma sonoridade mais envolvente.
A 22 de Maio de 2008 e a convite dos TIME OUT BAND (banda de covers) surge então a oportunidade de apresentar a banda em público pela primeira vez, as coisas correram bem melhor do que se esperava.
A 28 de Março de 2009 a banda, em conjunto com o seu novo vocalista Mike (Miguel), participa num concurso de bandas organizado em Azambuja, saindo-se vencedora tendo sido premiados com a gravação do seu primeiro trabalho desenvolvido para promoção da Banda, com acesso ao público em geral.
Marco, Bruno, Miguel e Canas continuam no presente momento a compor músicas e a trabalhar arduamente para levar a sua sonoridade mais além.
In April 2008 a group of friends (Marco, Bruno, Fernando , Fábio e Filipa) gathered in a jam session where, after a few days, the sounds that were coming out led them to take a more serious position about the project; Tarsish were born.
In May 2008 the band suffers the first change, with the new keyboardist member, Canas, bringing with him a dynamic to the band’s music.
In May 22nd 2008, by the invitation of Time Out Band (covers), the bands gets the first chance to show its work live, things went much better than what we expected.
In March 28th 2009, the band, together with its new vocalist mike (Miguel), attends to bands contest at Azambuja; the band wins the contest and, as a prize, gets the chance to record its work and present it to the public.
Marco, Bruno, Miguel and Canas are composing new songs and working hard to take their sound to new grounds.
In May 2008 the band suffers the first change, with the new keyboardist member, Canas, bringing with him a dynamic to the band’s music.
In May 22nd 2008, by the invitation of Time Out Band (covers), the bands gets the first chance to show its work live, things went much better than what we expected.
In March 28th 2009, the band, together with its new vocalist mike (Miguel), attends to bands contest at Azambuja; the band wins the contest and, as a prize, gets the chance to record its work and present it to the public.
Marco, Bruno, Miguel and Canas are composing new songs and working hard to take their sound to new grounds.
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